Charity Community Church Ministries
Charity Community Church Ministries
Are you looking to take part in our weekly opportunities for growth? Here are the lists of ministries and information on what they have to offer. We look forward to seeing you in fellowship soon!
Youth Sunday School
Youth Sunday School
Who says the Bible is only for adults?? FALSE! Our Youth Sunday School classes aim to equip our students with the abilities to read, write, and comprehend scripture. Our lessons are
specifically designed by our youth ministers to demonstrate the use of God’s Word in our everyday lives as Christians. Our class structure is divided into two components: (1) learning the
scripture for the day; (2) completing the accompanying activity to enforce the meaning or use
of that scripture. Youth Sunday School is held every Sunday each month, with the exception of first Sundays.
Christianity 101/
Sunday School
Building up the body of Christ through edification and teaching the word of God.
Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Hebrews 10:25 King James Version (KJV)
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. All are welcome as we are discipling the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. (Eph. 4:12)
Beauty For Ashes
Beauty For Ashes
Community Outreach, meeting the needs by providing the Gospel of Jesus Christ along with necessities such as clothing, coats, hats, scarves, under garments, and food on a monthly basis.
Boots Monday Night Prayer
Boots Monday Night Prayer
Brothers On Order To Serve, a place for all men to connect through prayer, bible study, and teaching. Where men are mentored to be better men of God, husbands, and fathers as we are Kingdom Men! Join us every Monday at 7pm by phone. Zoom Meeting Code: 8200 754 7365
Password: 760133
Camp Charity
Camp Charity
Camp Charity is our annual summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) camp, designed by the members of our church, for children ages 3 and older. Camp Charity is three evenings full of
Bible-based activities, including: arts & crafts, outdoor games, interactive Bible lessons, singing, and dancing! The camp is commonly designed with a focused theme as a basis to teach our campers about Jesus Christ. Past themes have included “Pathway to Purity – Ride with Jesus” (Psalm 119:9-16); which taught our children to have a relationship with Christ. Also, “Fishers of Men – Reel ‘Em In” (Luke 5:4-11; Matthew 4:19); which taught our children to be living witnesses for Christ. For more information about our annual Camp Charity VBS, please email us by clicking the link below.
Hospitality Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Following the lead of Christ, who displayed the ultimate act of love and the liberating power of hospitality on the cross, the Charity Community Church Hospitality Ministry is dedicated to serving and contributing to the needs of the saints with joy, kindness and love. By welcoming and reaching out to all, helping/serving families, building relationships and meeting the needs of the saints, we strive to be an extension/overflow of God’s hospitality to us and, as such, contribute to the foundational success of the church.
Married Couples Ministry
Married Couples Ministry
A monthly meeting of fellowship, food, and biblical truth to strengthen the body of Christ in principles to enrich their lives that benefit their marriages.
Media Room Ministry
Media Room Ministry
Setting an atmosphere conducive for the Holy Spirit to have HIS way. Supporting all ministries through technology support and assistance.
Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Who is the Greatest of All Time? Men have debated this question since the beginning. The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the G.O.A.T. Join
us as we study God’s Word and strengthen the pillars of Kingdom Men: Faith, Family, Favor, Finance, and Fitness. You are not alone fighting
the Good Fight of Faith. Through study and fellowship we hold each
other accountable, we encourage one another, and we build one another up. We are our Brother’s keeper.
Nursing Home Ministry
Nursing Home Ministry
Providing visitation to two nursing homes within the Burlington County. Bringing a ministry of praise & worship along with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sitting beside those who are unable to leave their rooms and spending quality time to let them know they are not alone.
Praise & Worship Ministry
Praise & Worship Ministry
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 KJV. Who are you worshipping? Either it is the Lord Jesus Christ or the devil. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. Joshua 24:15. Our life living, the choices we make, the thoughts we ponder, the words we speak, the deeds we do are all worship. May our worship be pleasing unto God. It is not for entertainment but it's sacrificial as we are changed even the more into God's image when we are in HIS presence.
Praise Dance Ministry
Praise Dance Ministry
To think that the dance belongs to the world is deception – it belongs to the Lord. What’s commonly known as “Praise Dance”, or more formally “Liturgical Dance”, is becoming a more
prevalent and acceptable form of worship in our Christian community. It’s nothing new to God, and has always been accepted by Him, but is now touching the hearts of His people in a
widespread way. As with other forms of ministry, the only requirement is to be a true worshipper of God. Technique is important, to demonstrate the ability, but carries no weight if the Holy Spirit is not involved. The mission for the Dance Ministry of Charity Community Church
is to train worshippers to do so through dance; and to teach dancers to do so through the leading of the Holy Spirit. The vision of our Dance Ministry department is to develop a more defined leadership program to teach the ministry of dance; create an additional outlet for our
members to serve God; and aid in uplifting the praise and worship experience during our weekly services.
Steward Ministry
Steward Ministry
The Charity Community Church monetary ministry consists of two elements, the Treasurer and Charity Stewards board. Both also hold the dual position of church trustee. Responsibilities of this ministry are primarily the maintenance and safekeeping of the church’s legal papers and valuables. The trustees also serve as the officers of the church corporation (as listed in the constitution). The Treasurer is responsible for keeping an accurate account of all monetary receipts and disbursements. He is to post financial statements monthly and provide them at the regular and annual business meetings. The church Fiscal Officer (chief Steward) and one (1) other steward shall sign all checks as a minimum. If necessary a check can be issued and signed by any two finance staff members with signatures on file with the churches servicing bank. Fiscal Risk Management is addressed by a separation of duties within the monetary ministry with record handling (bank statements) by the Treasurer and money deposit to the bank by the Fiscal Officer.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Corporate time of gathering for all to study God's word to learn to study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
W.I.N.G.S Ministry
Working IN Godly Service
W.I.N.G.S Ministry
Working IN Godly Service
The Charity Community Church singles ministry is purposed to evangelize, educate, empower, equip and edify those that are single, divorced or widowed. Acknowledging that we are created in the image of God and are fully complete and unique beings in Christ Jesus. Declaring that, through all things, we will follow Matthew 6:33 and seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything we need shall be provided for us as we focus and commit our lives to working in Godly service.
Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Building up the body of Christ to prosper spiritually through fellowship, events, luncheons, and prayer. All women are welcome to join as we seek God.